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Download Microsoft Visual Studia 2010 Express Ultimate full Keygen, Serial Number – Micosoft Visual Basic Terbaru

Rabu, 15 Agustus 2012 Label: , ,
Download Microsoft Visual Studia 2010 Express Ultimate full Keygen, Serial Number – Micosoft Visual Basic Terbaru

Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
is an integrated environment of development, which offers a wide number of tools for the programming of applications of Windows.

Microsoft Visual Studio puts at the disposal of the programmer a big number of utilities dedicated to the development of web sites, applications, web services, etc. Among the principal instruments that the program incorporates “.NET framework” stands out(general software development environment), "ASP.NET" (dedicated to the creation of elements for the Web) and “Visual Basic” (computer language for the creation of Windows applications).

This software offers a universal solution for developers, under compatibility as premise. This way, all the products that are obtained fromthe work with these instruments are supposed to complement the well-known systems.

People who create their own utilities useMicrosoft Visual Studio, a powerful and high quality alternative.

Microsoft Visual Studio merupakan sebuah aplikasi yang memiliki fungsi untuk membuat atau mengembangkan aplikasi, baik itu aplikasi untuk keperluan bisnis, aplikasi web, game, dan lain-lain.

Ada beberapa kompiler yang sudah tersedia di microsoft visual studio 2010. seperti Visual Studio antara lain Visual C++, Visual C#, Visual Basic, Visual Basic .NET, Visual InterDev, Visual J++, Visual J#, Visual FoxPro, dan Visual SourceSafe.

Features Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express Edition :
  •     Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Express
  •     Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express
  •     Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express
  •     Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2010 Express
Cara Install Visual Basic 2010 :
  1. Download file .ISO diatas - Lalu Ekstrak menggunakan POWER ISO atau ULTRA ISO.
  2. Setelah di Ekstrak - Buka Folder "VBExpress" yang ada dalam Folder
  3. Jalankan "Setup.exe" - Tunggu Proses.
    Jika diminta Restart, maka Restart saja. Lalu Tunggu proses Instalasi sekitar 10 - 20 menit tergantung spek komputer masing-masing.
  4. Instalasi selesai
System Requirements :
  • Computer that has a 1.6GHz or faster processor
  • 1 GB (32 Bit) or 2 GB (64 Bit) RAM (Add 512 MB if running in a virtual machine)
  • 3GB of available hard disk space
  • 5400 RPM hard disk drive
  • DirectX 9 capable video card running at 1024 x 768 or higher-resolution display
  • DVD-ROM Drive
  • NetFramework 3.5 or Higher
    Download NetFramwork 3.5 SP 1
Nah, untuk bisa menikmati Visual Basic 2010 Express ini anda harus mendownload dulu Installer Visual Studio 2010 Express karena Visual Basic memang terangkum dalam Visual Studio.
Untuk Serial number masukan SN dibawah :

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